• Verified
  • Requesting Floor Manager Positions - Area Managers

    This guide is intended for Area Managers looking to add a Floor Manager (FM) position to one of their stores.

    A separate guide for Store Managers can be found here:







    Please start a Jira ticket request via the portal here: https://finishline.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/14/group/60/create/174

    The required contents of your ticket can be found in the next step.


    The contents of your ticket request should be formatted as follows:

    I, __(your name)___, am requesting __(# of positions)___ Floor Manager position(s) for Store #_______.

    I, John Doe, am requesting 1 Floor Manager position for Store 12345.

    If you are requesting FM positions for multiple stores in your area, please repeat the message template for each Store.

    I, John Doe, am requesting 1 Floor Manager position for Store 12345, 2 Floor Managers for Store 54321, and 1 Floor Manager for Store 55555.


    Once the help desk ticket is created, the HR team will add your store as a Request Participant on the ticket so that all ticket updates will also notify the store via email.

    As the ticket creator, you will automatically receive notifications.


    Next, approval by the Manager of Store Operations is requested by the HR team.

    The response time for approval can vary.


    Approval is granted based on multiple factors, but primarily it is based on the store’s volume.

    If the request is Approved:

    1. You and your store will receive an email notification from the ticket.

    2. The HR team will create the position in Workday. It will not have a requisition, and will be found in the Staffing tab under “Positions Without a Job Requisition”.

    3. Once the position is created, you and your store will receive an email notification and the position will be available for use.

    If the request is Denied:

    1. You and your store will receive an email notification from the ticket.

    2. No further action will be taken.

    For questions, concerns, or issues, please contact the HR Service Desk:

    Call: 1-317-613-6890